As part of its 2014 strategic plan, the Al Ain Social Support Center in collaboration with the Community Services Department-Eastern Sector at Al Ain Municipality, organized yesterday morning a social seminar titled “Yes for Love, No for Violence.” The seminar targeted 50 mothers and female experts at Al Shyam Primary and High School.

The seminar aimed to fostering the family role and rank in society and asserting the importance of family ties. It also shed the lights on most prominent concepts of domestic violence and its negative effects that threaten the security and stability of families. Additionally, the seminar focused on the importance of raising awareness regarding the family role in order to protect the family members from going astray, and to strengthen the concepts of love, intimacy and cordiality among them.

Moza Al Qubaisi, specialized psychologist at Social Support Center stressed on the importance of caring for children at all age stages. She also affirmed the necessity of communicating with them in order to identify their psychological and social needs. Parents should also show their children their love and evaluation by clarifying a number of skills and concepts that enable parents to adopt the principles of love and care in education and upbringing them.

During her topic “Violence and Public Health,” Dr. Angham Ali, Health Education and Training Unit Officer at Medical Services Section at Al Ain Police Directorate focused on the concepts of child abuse, its aspects, causes and the resulting negative effects of violence against children. She also asserted that all support forms should be provided to children in order to protect them from abuse. Additionally, various competent social institutions should work jointly to organize awareness campaigns that target children and parents in order to educate them about the causes and dangers of child abuse and the preventive methods, in addition to highlighting the importance of reporting abuse cases.

Towards the end of the seminar, the advisor Fadila Al Maamari from Community Police Section discussed in the third topic of the seminar titled “Their Father was a Good Man” the issues which threatens the family stability. She also stressed on the role that good parents play in educating and caring for their children; and that parents should be the good role model for their children in all aspects of life in implementation of the teachings of Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be upon Him) and the true religion of Islam. She noted that mothers should closely watch over their children and not neglect them and leave them to housemaids. She said that Mothers are responsible for educating their children by implanting positive and religious values in their personal characters.
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