Abu Dhabi Police organizes a lecture for Officer’s wives and daughters
Cultural and Social Activity section in Abu Dhabi Police GHQ organized a religious lecture for the  Officer’s wives and daughters on the occasion of the of Isra and M’eraj at the Cultural and Social Activity ballroom at the Police Officers City in Abu Dhabi.
The lecture conducted by Weaam Abdul Salam Zaid from the Red Crescent, who focused on the importance of this occasion to all the Islamic nations.
The presenter assured that the miracle of Isra and M’eraj came as a confirmation to Prophet Mohamed P.B.U.HH and an appreciation and it is one of the great events in the history of the Islamic call which started from Al Haram Mosque in Makka to Al Aqsa Mosque in Palestine then turning from Holly Abode to the skies and met Allah.
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