
Abu Dhabi Police gear up for Gulf Cup 2007

A press conference was held for briefing the nature of preparations and security arrangements that are being made for the forthcoming 18th gulf cup which will be held in Abu Dhabi during the next few months.
Briefing the press Brigadier Ali Abdullah Al Shehi, Director General of infrastructure security at the General headquarters of Abu Dhabi Police said that His Highness Lt.Gen.Sheikh Saif bin Zayed al Nahyan, the Minister of Interior has given all the requisite directions for providing fool proof security arrangements for hosting the forthcoming gulf cup 18 and is constantly reviewing the security arrangements for the event to make it a grant success.
He also said that Police personnel’s were send to Germany during the last world cup and the recent Doha Asian games for taking stock of the security arrangements done for those events and to acquaint with other expertise in the security arrangements for international events and preempting any eventualities.
Police patrols will man the exterior and the interior of the stadiums and plain clothed Police personnel’s will be posted among the crowds in the galleries to check any vandalism during the event. Special arrangements are also being made to provide foolproof security for the VIPS and participating teams.
Colonel Gaith Al Zaabi, director of traffic and patrols and Major Naser Kadim al Kaabi, head of the social relations from the public relations department also were present at the press briefing.
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