Abu Dhabi Police set up mobile, human ambushes near banks in order to arrest thieves of banking customers. The ambushes resulted in tactically arresting three perpetrators of Asian nationality who violated residency law and were involved in three separate cases within 15 days. One of the perpetrators tried to assault police officers with a knife in his possession.
Colonel Dr. Rashid Mohammad Borshid, Head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at the Abu Dhabi Police GHQ, confirmed that the ambushes of the investigation staff will continuously monitor and roam the areas of banks. He also stressed that at the same time, the public, especially bank clients, should be more vigilant to the dangers of this behavior. These dangers have already been repeatedly advertised in awareness campaigns.
He also stressed the need for taking precautions from predators. Predators who try to rob bank clients have new, innovative ways to con customers and to steal their money the instant they leave the banks. Colonel Dr. Borshid pointed out that the most prominent ploy is to pour motor oil on the victim’s car tire after stopping them to make them believe that there is a malfunction. The thieves then steal the money from the other door as soon as the victim leaves the car to examine the alleged malfunction.
Colonel Dr. Borshid said, “Thanks to the watchful eyes of our police patrols, we were able to monitor the previously mentioned criminal act as one of them tried to steal money from a lady when she left the bank. As she was busy examining the back tire of her vehicle, one of the perpetrators opened the door of her car from the other side and stole the contents of her bag which included the victim’s money and documents.”
He explained that (“B.N.”, “N.K.”, “B.K.”) were arrested separately, in locations adjacent to banks where they were able to anticipate customers and rob them. Colonel Dr. Borshid pointed out that all suspects are of the same Asian nationality. The first suspect is also accused of assaulting CID agents with a knife he had in his possession, of which he used after the arresting team surrounded him.
He mentioned that they found the tools used by the perpetrators to commit their crimes and delude the victims in the existence of faults with their vehicles, most notably the motor oil which was used to con the victims. The suspects were referred to public prosecution to accompany the investigation in the proceedings of the thefts of bank clients.
Head of the CID at Abu Dhabi Police urged bank clients to immediately respond to the monitored methods detected by the police and to be vigilant for their own safety and for the safety of the public in preserving their money. He stressed the importance of the cooperation of community members with police efforts in order to provide the best means of prevention and protection, and not to hesitate in reporting any suspicious activities they may encounter near banks or ATM machines, or if they notice that they are being followed.
The CID at Abu Dhabi Police had launched two media campaigns earlier to protect bank clients by warning them of sudden theft. These campaigns aimed to protect bank clients from robberies by raising their awareness to the safety precautions and guidelines that should be followed when making a withdrawal or transfer.
Colonel Dr. Rashid Mohammad Borshid, Head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at the Abu Dhabi Police GHQ, confirmed that the ambushes of the investigation staff will continuously monitor and roam the areas of banks. He also stressed that at the same time, the public, especially bank clients, should be more vigilant to the dangers of this behavior. These dangers have already been repeatedly advertised in awareness campaigns.
He also stressed the need for taking precautions from predators. Predators who try to rob bank clients have new, innovative ways to con customers and to steal their money the instant they leave the banks. Colonel Dr. Borshid pointed out that the most prominent ploy is to pour motor oil on the victim’s car tire after stopping them to make them believe that there is a malfunction. The thieves then steal the money from the other door as soon as the victim leaves the car to examine the alleged malfunction.
Colonel Dr. Borshid said, “Thanks to the watchful eyes of our police patrols, we were able to monitor the previously mentioned criminal act as one of them tried to steal money from a lady when she left the bank. As she was busy examining the back tire of her vehicle, one of the perpetrators opened the door of her car from the other side and stole the contents of her bag which included the victim’s money and documents.”
He explained that (“B.N.”, “N.K.”, “B.K.”) were arrested separately, in locations adjacent to banks where they were able to anticipate customers and rob them. Colonel Dr. Borshid pointed out that all suspects are of the same Asian nationality. The first suspect is also accused of assaulting CID agents with a knife he had in his possession, of which he used after the arresting team surrounded him.
He mentioned that they found the tools used by the perpetrators to commit their crimes and delude the victims in the existence of faults with their vehicles, most notably the motor oil which was used to con the victims. The suspects were referred to public prosecution to accompany the investigation in the proceedings of the thefts of bank clients.
Head of the CID at Abu Dhabi Police urged bank clients to immediately respond to the monitored methods detected by the police and to be vigilant for their own safety and for the safety of the public in preserving their money. He stressed the importance of the cooperation of community members with police efforts in order to provide the best means of prevention and protection, and not to hesitate in reporting any suspicious activities they may encounter near banks or ATM machines, or if they notice that they are being followed.
The CID at Abu Dhabi Police had launched two media campaigns earlier to protect bank clients by warning them of sudden theft. These campaigns aimed to protect bank clients from robberies by raising their awareness to the safety precautions and guidelines that should be followed when making a withdrawal or transfer.