The Knowledge Centre at Strategy and Performance Development General Directorate, in collaboration with the Knowledge Higher Committee, organized the First Forum for exchanging knowledge and ideas. The Forum was held at the Forensic Evidence Hall at Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.

The Forum was attended by H.E Major General Mohammed Khalfan Al Rumaithi, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Abu Dhabi Police; H.E Major General Khalil Dawood Badran, Director General of Finance and Services; Brigadier Fares Al Farsi, Director General of Guards and Special Tasks; Brigadier General Dr. Saif Bu Dhufaira Al Ameri, Director General of Security and Ports Affairs; and Brigadier General Ismail Al Sirkal, Deputy Director General of Abu Dhabi Police Central Operations.

Colonel Faisal Sultan Al Shuaibi, Director of Strategy and Performance Development at Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters inaugurated the Forum and welcomed the attending audience. He reiterated the ongoing commitment and attention to quality management at Abu Dhabi Police, based on the importance of participating in the quest to establish Knowledge Economy and to achieve the government’s goal of becoming one of the top five governments in the world.

Colonel Al Shuaibi highlighted the significant role of knowledge in establishing institutional excellence, as well as exchanging and developing it. He noted that this attention was recently embodied by the adoption of the Knowledge Charter by the leaders.

After that, the international expert, Terry Thompson, Vice President for Booz Allen Hamilton; security and defense international markets officer, presented a work paper titled (Internal Human Threats: Reducing the Negative Effects). In his paper, he focused on the concepts of internal and external challenges that may face any institution, as well as the concept of loyalty. He also proposed a number of solutions that may contribute to overcoming potential challenges that face communities as a whole.

The workshop was attended by Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters staff of officers, civilians, and knowledge coordinators at the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.

It is worth mentioning that the Abu Dhabi Police had recently launched the Knowledge Charter. As part of the Charter, all leaders and staff members of the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters pledge to achieve the strategic objectives, by investing in information and knowledge, participating in the knowledge and experience transfer on all career levels. This would embody the concept of knowledge and enhance satisfaction of the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters’ customers, partners and community members as well as the confidence in the government.

The Knowledge Department’s methodology of the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters is based on documenting the knowledge management process according to the highest standards. As part of the knowledge management framework, the types of knowledge at Abu Dhabi Police have been identified and classified, as well as knowledge sources and various mechanisms of collection, classification, analysis and update. The methodology also determines the means to invest in knowledge to improve and develop the General Headquarters’ performance; maintain the intellectual and cognitive assets of Abu Dhabi Police’s staff members; regulate the exchange of knowledge between employees, customers, and relevant entities in a calculated and coordinated framework; and leverage knowledge to solve work requirements (obstacles-problems); to enhance productivity of staff members; boost human cadres skills and competencies; and to explore the best practices.
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