Abu Dhabi Police Officials attend first Arab forum on Business and Finance
A high-level delegation headed by Brigadier Ahemed Sayeed Al Mahri, director of the department of logistics administration at the General headquarters of Abu Dhabi Police is attending the first Arab forum on business and finance that is being held at Sharm Al Sheukh in Egypt.
The first Arab forum on business is aimed at discussing issues related to better business management policies and programs to be implemented for enhancing efficiency and profitability. Other forum will discuss the issues related to financial security of the government funds operated by various government establishments.
Brigadier Mahri was accompanied by number of Officers from the General directorate of Abu Dhabi Police to the forum where participants included from different Countries.
The delegates to the business forum discussed the ways and means to improve the efficiency of the business administrative mechanisms for achieving cost efficiency and effectiveness.
The financial forum held discussions regarding the better management of government finances, avoiding wastage and pilferage improving the quality of financial services.
The delegates exchanged their experience in facing the various challenges in their countries and decided to enhance the cooperation in this area so as to face the future challenges collectively from a common platform. The forum will end its deliberations on seventh.