Saturday 30 January 2010 

ADP apprehend an Arab national for Killing a UAE national


The information contributed by the public members, described as “Loyal”, has accelerated the apprehension of an Arab national suspect. The suspect has recently stabbed a UAE national to death and ran away. 

According to Colonel Hammad Ahmed Al Hamadi, Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at Abu Dhabi Police has revealed the details of the incident. The crime took place last December, 27. An Arab national identified as “Y.Y.H”, 22 years, stabbed a UAE national, identified as “Aa.Aa.Aa.”, 40 years, several times with a knife, when the latter proposed to sodomize the suspect. This happened at the victim’s home in Abu Dhabi “according to the suspect confession”. He was arrested immediately after the crime.

Bad Companionship 

The investigations carried out by CID team revealed that the suspect and the victim acquainted with each others in one of Correctional and Punitive Establishments. After serving their terms of imprisonment their relationship became stronger and they repeatedly consumed alcohol together, according to the suspect statement, added Al Hamadi.

After their return to the victim’s villa, the latter asked the suspect to let him have sex with him. This request led to a quarrel between them. The victim brought a knife and tried to stab the suspect. But the latter evaded the stab but was injured twice in his right hand. The suspect then took the knife from the victim and stabbed him several times in his stomach and back. Then he washed his hands, dropped the knife near the room door, closed the door, as he feared that the victim might reach him again and ran away. The suspect was arrested upon information given by an investor of the building where the victim lived, continued Al Hamadi.

The Director of CID at ADP advised people to select good friend and to avoid bad ones. He also urged parents to look well after their children to avoid their drift by crime and delinquency. He also urged concerned agencies to play their role in warning the community members against perverted behaviors and instilling Islamic values and principles in them.

Al Hamadi described those who provide police with information that contribute to the arrest of criminals as “loyal people”. He urged the public to assist security organizations and provide them with information, no matter how this information is small, as it may give a clue to the mysteries of a crime, so as to protect our community against any strange phenomena, customs or traditions, which contradict Islamic teachings.

It is worth mentioning that the Federal Penal Law punishes for murder crime (Article 332) “Any one who intentionally kills a person will face life or temporary term, the punishment will be death if the crime is premeditated or linked with another crime, or the murder is against one of the criminal’s relevant or public servant or the murder is by poisonous or explosive stuff”

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