The Community Police Department at the Abu Dhabi Police carried out a set of awareness activities under the “Your Safety” Campaign, as part of the annual awareness programs and campaigns during the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Lt. Colonel Mubarak Bin Muhairom, Head of Department of Community Police, noted that these activities were intended to boost public awareness on the need to curb negative phenomena, notably countering the scourge of begging and fireworks. “Such activities also aim to strengthen communication and partnership with the various community segments and sectors,” he added.

Furthermore, Lt. Colonel Bin Muhairom underscored the commitment of the Community Police to promote security and social awareness so as to curb negative behaviors, promote positive values and principles associated with society usages and to maintain security and safety.

For his part, Major Yussef Faraj, Chief of the Community Awareness Section, indicated that the activities carried out during the Holy Month of Ramadan aim to protect community members against the dangers of fireworks and begging, which are considered as uncivilized and objectionable behaviors. He also encouraged the public to cooperate with the police and to report such behaviors to authorities in a bid to eradicate them.

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