The Abu Dhabi Police announced that 2000 fines for illegal passenger transport (carpooling) in private cars in five months, and all violators were Asian. To this end, Abu Dhabi Police, in cooperation with the Centre for Regulation of Transport by Hire Cars (TransAD), have joined hands to put a stop to this illegal practice and fine violators in a joint crackdown campaign.

According to law, illegal car lift services or illegal passengers transport is using private vehicles to transport passengers for a fee without a license.

Colonel Tariq Al Ghoul, Head of Department of Transport at the Abu Dhabi Police, said, “This campaign aims to strictly curb this practice by raising awareness among motorists on the need to refrain from using their private vehicles to transport passengers for money. The illegal car lift practice requires a radical solution in order to protect safety and security. We urge individuals to avoid using this illegal service and help the police and all other concerned authorities in fighting it.”

Colonel Al Ghoul added, “This campaign came as a response to complaints we received from individuals who used this illegal service. In a meeting, the transportation police and TransAD discussed illegal car lift, its risks, and the nationalities that are mainly involved in this illegal service.”

Continuing, Colonel Al Ghoul said, “This campaign is advertised in newspapers, radio and television, and in all languages. It explains the risks of illegal car lift and its resulting fines to the audience. This campaign utilizes joint efforts of the Traffic and Patrols Directorate, the Traffic Control, and TransAD to nab violators.”

For his part, Mohammed Darwish Al Qumzi, Director of TransAD, said, “We need to intensify our inspections during peak times in the areas of Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, in cooperation with the transport police.”

Hamad Al Dhahiri, Chief of Illegal Passenger Transport Section, TransAD, said, “According to statistics and studies, certain nationalities provide this illegal service across the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. TransAD has provided a big number of taxis in areas where illegal car lift thrives. This aims to facilitate taxi services, provide a legal alternative to public transportation and urge people to use it.”

The joint committee assigned to address illegal car lift recommended steps to find solutions to the challenges that inspectors face during the crackdown. The committee also recommended presence in major locations for passenger movement, and to contribute in regulating passenger movement in touristic areas.

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