The Traffic and Patrols Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police organized a scientific awareness council in the area of Al Khazna, for as many as 100 male and female students. The council falls in line with the directorate’s program to open communication channels and encourage dialogue with young people about the dangers of reckless driving and driving without a license.

The event is a part of the awareness campaigns organized by the Traffic and Patrols Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police for the benefit of young people. The campaigns aim to acquaint the youth with the importance of abiding by traffic laws and regulations, calling upon them not to consider national and sporting events as a pretext to cause nuisance to others.

In his speech at the council, Counselor Ali Al Hashemi praised the Abu Dhabi Police’s initiative to enhance young people’s traffic culture and protect them from accidents. He emphasized that abiding by traffic laws is part of the religious culture. “Islam has established the proper principles and systems related to traffic safety in order to preserve human lives. It has condemned and opposed all aggression on human life,” he said. He also pointed out that violating traffic regulations compromises the safety of violators and causes deadly accidents.

For his part, Colonel Jamal Salem Al Ameri, Chief of the Public Relations Section at the Traffic and Patrols Directorate in Abu Dhabi, made an interactive presentation, showcasing the danger of using the self-balancing two-wheel electric scooters. He pointed out that the Federal Traffic Council has warned on many occasions of the danger of those toys on children. He said: “There have been several studies on the issue, which warned against the widespread use of these toys by children without consideration to safety and security precautions.”

Colonel Al Ameri also warned against the danger of playing in the streets, calling upon parents to ensure the quality of toys and safety means such as brakes, and to make sure that toys are safe and age-appropriate. He called upon children to avoid playing without protective gear, such as a helmet and knee, elbow and wrist pads and to play in allocated places such as parks and sports venues.

Moreover, Colonel Al Ameri highlighted the fundamental criteria for the safe use of the road. He provided a set of examples of unfortunate accidents that occurred during national celebrations and occasions, as a result of stunts and reckless show-off of vehicles and motorcycles, in addition to the dangers of making illegal modifications to vehicles, which increase their speed and amplify the engine's sound.

In conclusion, Colonel Al Ameri explained the efficiency and importance of using prevention and safety features, such as the seatbelt, to ensure protection in case of collision, absorb the impact of the crash, and prevent the driver and passenger from colliding with a part of the car or another person during traffic accidents, which ultimately would reduce potential serious injuries and deaths. He said: “Wearing a seatbelt increases drivers’ chances of surviving a crash and dramatically reduce serious crash-related injuries and deaths.”

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