The Abu Dhabi Police provided their services to the audiences attending the Al Ain Air Championship 2015 (formerly known as Al Ain Aerobatic Show), held at the Al Ain International Airport. The Al Ain Police Directorate also attracted visitors of the event, who reviewed its services and efforts in the fight against crime.

Police officers distributed awareness brochures to the public, in line with the community partnership and societal communication approach at the various events.

Participants in the championship were acquainted with the Community Police’s role in spreading the security culture and social awareness; as well as the efforts exerted to boost the spirit of participation and the sense of responsibility between the police and community members, in order to ensure security, solve societal problems and enhance the public's trust.

As a part of their participation at the Al Ain Air Championship 2015, the Abu Dhabi Police implemented a comprehensive plan to ensure the the safety of visitors and enable them to enjoy the championship, which is organized by the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority.

Police officers gave the public an overview of the Abu Dhabi Police GHQ’s latest achievements in the fight against crime. They also offered commemorative gifts and police magazines to visitors, as well as educational gifts for children.

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